Bharat Gwalani Honored With 2023 MNIT Jaipur Young Achievers Award

Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT) celebrated its annual Alumni Awards on December 24, 2023, in Jaipur, India, and inducted MSE Professor and 2010 MNIT alum Bharat Gwalani for the Young Achiever’s Award under Academic and Research Excellence. Gwalani was joined by an Associate Professor in the Department of Energy Science and Engineering at IIT Bombay, Anish Modi (2008 alum) and Founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Pisarv Technologies, Abhishek Mishra (2009 alum) in the Innovator/ Incubator categories.

It was an incredibly blissful moment for me. Reflecting on receiving this award took me down memory lane to my undergraduate days at NIT Jaipur MNIT, a journey that began 17 years ago.

Bharat Gwalani

“It was an incredibly blissful moment for me. Reflecting on receiving this award took me down memory lane to my undergraduate days at NIT Jaipur MNIT, a journey that began 17 years ago. At the outset, I was uncertain whether metallurgy was the right field for my education. The initial year was a constant struggle to contemplate changing my engineering branch. After a year, I had the opportunity to make that switch, and I did briefly transfer to another engineering branch. However, for reasons I can’t quite explain—whether it was the friendships I forged or the growing comfort in metallurgy—I returned. Despite suggestions of limited opportunities, my intuition urged me to persist. I worked in the steel manufacturing sector before going for a Ph.D. Looking back, I realize that perhaps it was more than just intuition or gut feeling; it was a connection with my future self guiding me to stay in metallurgy.

The department extends our heartfelt congratulations for this well-deserved recognition.